
Linguistic Atlas of Central Romani


The Linguistic Atlas of Central Romani will be a comprehensive resource on Central Romani and its internal variation. It will take into account over one thousand features from all levels of language structure and use. We plan to publish the Atlas a) online and b) in four printed volumes: I Introduction, II Phonology, III Grammar, and IV Lexicon.


Map Collection

The core of the Linguistic Atlas of Central Romani is a collection of dialectological maps, each of which represents in detail the geographical distribution of a certain linguistic feature within Central Romani. The maps also represent, in a more schematic manner, the geographical distribution of a given feature in the neighbouring dialect groups of Romani, in order to allow for the visualization of geographically wider patterns of feature diffusion. In addition to maps of individual linguistic features, there are also several background maps (e.g. a map of the distribution of contact languages, and a map on the degree of language vitality of individual Central Romani varieties) and a number of summary maps (e.g. maps of selected isogloss clusters and maps of sets of linguistically related features).

Draft versions of 1086 maps (they are not to be cited without permission of the authors).

Map Comments

Each feature map, or a set of related feature maps, is commented upon in a prose chapter, which includes the following kinds of information:
  • occasional explanatory comments on the feature;
  • a list of the cross-dialectal variants of the feature;
  • diachronic comments on the origin and development of the variants;
  • comments on the extent of attestation of a given feature in the data;
  • comments on the geographical distribution of the variants in Central Romani;
  • comments on the geographical distribution of the variants in neighbouring dialect groups.
Draft versions of selected map comments are linked below (they are not to be cited without permission of the authors):


Palatalization (14 selected features)

Debuccalization (1 selected feature)

Simplification of consonant clusters (8 selected features)

Consonant prothesis and aphaeresis (10 selected features)

Consonant apocope (16 selected features)

Assimilation and dissimilation (2 selected features)

Other consonant changes (4 selected features)

Vowel quality (10 selected features)

Vowel apocope (1 selected feature)

Contraction (2 selected features)

Metathesis (8 selected features)

Lexicophonology (5 selected features)



Verb formation (2 selected features)

Noun formation (1 selected feature)

Adjective formation (2 selected features)

Numerals (5 selected features)

Temporal adverbs (2 selected features)



Nouns (63 selected features)

Verbs (5 selected features)

Adjectives (9 selected features)

Collocations (1 selected feature)

Lexical semantics (6 selected features)




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    Department of Linguistics

    Charles University, Faculty of Arts



Last update: November 25 2017, 11:54. Webmaster: Jan Křivan. Made with PSPad.