7ICRL Registration

You can register to 7ICRL by paying the conference fee, either by transfer to the 7ICRL bank account or in cash during the conference. The conference fee covers conference materials, refreshments during coffee breaks, and participation in the cultural event on the final day of the conference (16 September, 20:00).

1. Presenting participants affiliated with an academic institution in European Union or in a developed country (e.g. Canada, Japan, United States), with the exception of the Charles University, are to pay the Full Fee:

Full Fee

2. Non-presenting participants, participants unaffiliated with any academic institution, or participants affiliated with an academic institution in a different country than those of §1 (e.g. Argentina, Bulgaria, Russia, Serbia) are to pay the Reduced Fee:

Reduced Fee

3. Presenting or non-presenting participants affiliated with the Charles University, whether as employees or as students, are exempt from any conference fee.